

GraphSketcher is a professional graphics designer editor. The one thing I couldn't get it to do was curves. The feature list does say that it supports 'curved paths,' but I couldn't figure it out, despite previously having worked with Inkscape, CorelDRAW, and Illustrator. Other than that, GraphSketcher gracefully handled just about anything that I could come up with. You can change opacity, set the fill or the outline to any solid color or gradient, align items on the canvas, shift Z-order (bring items to the foreground or send them to the background), and lots of other functions. In case you're wondering, that screenshot isn't blurry -- it's showcasing GraphSketcher's built-in Gaussian blur functionality. GraphSketcher also supports layers and imports SVG files that were created in other applications. One neat thing that you can do with GraphSketcher that you can't do with other apps is resize the UI. When you use your browser's zoom functionality, the whole thing grows, including the buttons. And it all stays crisp, because the buttons use SVG icons. It's beautiful work.

  • Free-hand drawing
  • Lines, polylines
  • Rects/squares
  • Ellipses/circles
  • Polygons/curved paths
  • Stylable text
  • Raster images
  • Select/move/resize/rotate
  • Undo/redo 1
  • Color/gradient picker 1
  • Group/ungroup 1
  • Align 1
  • Zoom 1
  • Layers 1
  • Convert shapes to path 1
  • Wireframe mode 1
  • Save drawing to SVG 1
  • Linear gradient picking 1
  • View and edit SVG source 2
  • UI localization 2
  • Resizable canvas 2
  • Change background 2
  • Draggable dialogs 2
  • Resizable UI 2
  • Open local files 2
  • Import SVG into drawing 2
  • Connector lines and arrows 2
  • Plugin architecture 2
  • Editing outside the canvas 3
  • Add/edit sub-paths 3
  • Multiple path segment selection 3
  • Support for foreign markup (MathML) 3
  • Radial gradients 3
  • Configurable options 3
  • Eye-dropper tool 3
  • Stroke line-join and line-cap

Graph Sketcher is a great solution for students and teachers in the sciences and social sciences who want to make plots and graphs for problem sets, lab reports, and presentations. The ability to simply sketch lines and labels representing supply and demand curves makes Graph Sketcher by far the best solution available for. Science The Definitive Visual Guide Pdf. Here graphs of numerous mathematical functions can be drawn, including their derivatives and integrals.

GraphSketcher is a vector drawing tool that packs everything in a well-organized user interface and comes with an extensive collection of graphic objects that you get to use in your projects. Graph Sketcher is a great solution for students and teachers in the sciences and social sciences who want to make plots and graphs for problem sets, lab reports, and presentations. Sketcher for Windows can make drawings, colorful oil paintings, and accurate pencils strokes of the sketches. You don't have to be an artist to use the app, it offer pre-built presets for a few. Desmos offers best-in-class calculators, digital math activities, and curriculum to help every student love math and love learning math.

Online Graph Sketcher


Settings: • X Range: to • Y Range: to • X Tick Distance: • Y Tick Distance: • Label Every: X ticks • Label Every: Y ticks • Show Grid: • Bold Labeled Gridlines: • Function Width: pixels • Image Size: by pixels About: Beyond simple math and grouping (like '(x+2)(x-4)'), there are some functions you can use as well. Look below to see them all. They are mostly standard functions written as you might expect.

You can also use 'pi' and 'e' as their respective constants. Please note: You should not use fractional exponents. For example, don't type ' x^(1/3)' to compute the cube root of x. Instead, use 'root(x,3)'. When you want a quick graph of a function, you can just go to like. You can even separate multiple equations with commas, like.

Graph Calculator


For more information on GraphSketch (how it works, etc.), see on it. Support GraphSketch: GraphSketch is provided by Andy Schmitz as a free service. Buying a poster from helps support GraphSketch and gets you a neat, high-quality, mathematically-generated poster. If you're interested, take a look. Functions: To get: Type: sin(x) cos(x) tan(x) asin(x) acos(x) atan(x) pi To get: Type: a^b sqrt(x) root(a,b) log(x) ln(x) exp(x) e.

Graph Sketcher: Students can create graphs of functions entered as algebraic expressions -- similar to a graphing calculator. On a mission to transform learning through computational thinking, Shodor is dedicated to the reform and improvement of mathematics and science education through student enrichment, faculty enhancement, and interactive curriculum development at all levels. Student development of numerical models and simulations integrated with core curriculum provides an opportunity to gain practical experience in computational science.

Additionally, the National Computational Science Institute (NCSI) provides nation-wide workshops portraying resources and instructional ideas to middle school, high school, and undergraduate instructors for use in the classroom. Resources and materials offered to these instructors are available free of charge from Shodor's website and are largely developed by Shodor student interns. Shodor's academic program efficiently guides participants from excitement to experience to expertise through computational explorations, research opportunities, and service. We have detected JavaScript as being disabled in your browser. The links below provide instructions for enabling JavaScript dependent on your browser. After enabling JavaScript, refresh the page.

You may also try using the help feature of your browser. Printing Instructions The output of the activities in Shodor's Interactivate are created dynamically by computer languages such as JavaScript. As a result, the pictures on the screen are not something that your browser can easily print. These instructions should enable you and your students to print out results from your explorations, to annotate them, and to make them part of any assessment. Instruction for Windows Users • Please make sure that the image that you wish to print is visible on the screen.

Graph Calculator

• Hit the 'Print Screen' key on your keyboard. (This copies an image of your screen onto your computer's clipboard) • Open a writing or drawing program (such as Microsoft Word or 'Paint') • Paint can be found at: All Programs Accessories Paint • 'Paste' the image from the clipboard into the application (Edit Paste). • If you're using 'Paint': you can use the 'crop' tool to keep only the part of the image you wish.