Apache Tear Meaning

  1. Apache Tear Meaning
  2. Apache Tear Stone Meaning In Urdu
  3. Story Of Apache Tears Crystals

Apache Tears Meaning Apache Tears have strong ties to the Earth Mother, which is why many metaphysical practitioners use them for grounding or improving their connections with the natural world. Because of this maternal nature of Gaia’s energy, generally Apache Tears have strong symbolic connections to protective actions. Carrying or wearing Apache Tears is said to help with deficiencies of Vitamins D and C, muscle spasms and also knee discomfort. Apache Tears aid and bring comfort to grief and emotional trauma as well as bring peace and calm energy. These gemstones help soothe negative feelings and old hurts. Apache Tears can also help you forgive yourself and others. Apache Tears Jewelry Apache Tears Jewelry Meaning Apache Tears are helpful for surfacing grief held in the emotional body in order to cleanse and heal old trauma or wounds from a previous life. They also have the protective and cleansing properties of obsidian, in an easy to carry form.

Apache Tears reveal cracks and weaknesses, see past truth and lie, nothing can hide from this gem.
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Apache Tear Meaning

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Apache Tear Stone Meaning In Urdu

Apr 24 trending

Story Of Apache Tears Crystals

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