Ikev2 Sophos Utm

This article explains how to configure IPSec VPN Site to Site between Sophos XG firewall and Pfsense firewall devices

This aritcle configured according to the following diagram:

Considering how long it has been since IKEv2 was standardized and requested by Astaro users, and considering the obvious Sophos marketing direction from UTM to XG for new sales, I would not recommend creating a corporate security plan based on having IKEv2 in UTM soon. Maybe it will happen, maybe not. I just got the following answer from Sophos Support: UTM9/SG doesn’t support IKEv2 and will not be supporting it anytime soon. We don’t even have a target date for when it will be supported on UTM9/SG. In short it definitely won’t be supported it by the time you’re looking to carry out your project in the coming months. Most modern firewalls today support IKEv2, but some (such as the Sophos XG firewall) do not. Check with your vendor to validate support. If the firewall or VPN device supports IKEv2 for remote access connections, the native Windows VPN provider can be used to establish an Always On VPN connection. This would be a good question for Sophos Sales, and many of us would be glad to hear the answer. The roadmap for 9.6 indicates improvements in the VPN, but we haven't seen any specifics. I'm personally hoping that they will substitute the new StrongSWAN Charon module for Pluto and that would bring IKEv2. IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is used to exchange connection information such as encryption algorithms, secret keys and parameters in general between two hosts (for example between two Sophos XG, a Sophos XG and a Sophos UTM, a Sophos XG and a 3rd-party appliance, or between two 3rd-party appliances).

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How to configure

Configure on Sophos XG

Step 1: Create Local and Remote network area for XG device

  • Log in to Sophos XG by Admin account
  • Hosts and Services -> IP Host -> Click Add
  • Create Local Network
  • Enter name
  • Choose IPv4
  • Choose Network
  • In IP address -> Import Internal network

-> Click Save

  • Create Remote Network
  • Enter name
  • Choose IPv4
  • Choose Network
  • In IP address -> Import Remote network

-> Click Save

Step 2: Create IPSec connection on Sophos XG Mount and blade warband witcher mod.

  • VPN -> IPSec connections -> Click Wizard
  • Enter name
  • Click Start
  • Choose Site To Site
  • Choose IKEv2
  • Click >
  • Choose Preshared key
  • Enter Preshared key (using for both site)
  • Click >
  • Choose WAN port of Sophos XG
  • Choose Local Network which is created before
  • Click >
  • Enter IP WAN of Pfsense
  • Choose Remote Network which is created before
  • Click >
  • Choose Disabled
  • Click >
  • Click Finish
  • Click Active

Configure on Pfsense firewall

Step 3: Create IPSec connection on Pfsense (P1)

  • Log in to Pfsense firewall by Admin account
  • VPN -> IPSec -> Click Add P1
  • In Key Exchange version: Choose IKEv2 (same with Sophos)
  • In Internet Protocol: Choose IPv4
  • In Interface: Choose WAN
  • In Remote Gateway: Enter IP WAN of Sophos
  • In Authentication Method: Choose Mutual PSK
  • In Pre-Shared Key: Enter Preshared Key which the same with Sophos
  • In Encryption Algorithm: Choose AES -> 256 bits -> SHA256 -> 14 (2048 bit)
  • In Lifetime (Seconds): Enter 3600

-> Click Save

Samson sound deck profile. Step 4: Create IPSec connection (P2)

  • In Local Network: Choose Lan subnet
  • In Remote Network: Enter Local network of Sophos
  • In Protocol: Choose ESP
  • In Encryption Algorithms: Choose AES -> 256 bits (same with Sophos)
  • In Hash Algorithms: Choose SHA256

-> Click Save

Sophos Utm Ikev2

Step 5: Create Firewall rule in Sophos to allow VPN and LAN network connect together

Ikev2 Sophos Utm Free

Step 6: Click Connection to finish

Configure create Firewall rule for Pfsense to finish

Ikev2 Sophos Sg

** If you have difficulty configure Sophos products in VietNam, please contact us:

Hotline: 02862711677

Ikev2 Sophos Utm Software

Email: info@thegioifirewall.com

Ikev2 Sophos Utm Download