Spark Transformations And Actions Cheat Sheet

This post updates a previous very popular post 50+ Data Science, Machine Learning Cheat Sheets by Bhavya Geethika. If we missed some popular cheat sheets, add them in the comments below.

  1. Spark Cheat Sheet
  2. Spark Transformations And Actions Cheat Sheet Printable
  3. Spark Transformations And Actions Cheat Sheet Answers
  4. Spark Transformations
  5. Spark Actions And Transformations

Cheatsheets on Python, R and Numpy, Scipy, Pandas

Data science is a multi-disciplinary field. Thus, there are thousands of packages and hundreds of programming functions out there in the data science world! An aspiring data enthusiast need not know all. A cheat sheet or reference card is a compilation of mostly used commands to help you learn that language’s syntax at a faster rate. Here are the most important ones that have been brainstormed and captured in a few compact pages.

Spark RDD Transformations with Examples. In this section, I will explain a few RDD Transformations with word count example in scala, before we start first, let’s create an RDD by reading a text file. The text file used here is available at the GitHub and, the scala example is available at GitHub project for reference.

Mastering Data science involves understanding of statistics, mathematics, programming knowledge especially in R, Python & SQL and then deploying a combination of all these to derive insights using the business understanding & a human instinct—that drives decisions.

This PySpark cheat sheet covers the basics, from initializing Spark and loading your data, to retrieving RDD information, sorting, filtering and sampling your data. But that's not all. You'll also see that topics such as repartitioning, iterating, merging, saving your data and stopping the SparkContext are included in the cheat sheet. Cheat sheets for Spark, Scala, Java: Apache Spark is an engine for large-scale data processing. For certain applications, such as iterative machine learning, Spark can be up to 100x faster than Hadoop (using MapReduce).

Here are the cheat sheets by category:

Cheat sheets for Python:

From a general summary to chapter summaries to explanations of famous quotes, the SparkNotes Hatchet Study Guide has everything you need to ace quizzes, tests, and essays. Built through parallel transformations (map, filter, etc). Scala Cheat Sheet Variables: varx. Spark can read/write to any storage system / format that has a.

Python is a popular choice for beginners, yet still powerful enough to back some of the world’s most popular products and applications. It's design makes the programming experience feel almost as natural as writing in English. Python basics or Python Debugger cheat sheets for beginners covers important syntax to get started. Community-provided libraries such as numpy, scipy, sci-kit and pandas are highly relied on and the NumPy/SciPy/Pandas Cheat Sheet provides a quick refresher to these.

  1. Python Cheat Sheet by DaveChild via
  2. Python Basics Reference sheet via
  3. Python cheatsheet
  4. Python 3 Cheat Sheet by Laurent Pointal

Cheat sheets for R:

The R's ecosystem has been expanding so much that a lot of referencing is needed. The R Reference Card covers most of the R world in few pages. The Rstudio has also published a series of cheat sheets to make it easier for the R community. The data visualization with ggplot2 seems to be a favorite as it helps when you are working on creating graphs of your results.



  1. R markdown cheatsheet, part 2


  1. DataCamp’s Data Analysis the data.table way

Cheat sheets for MySQL & SQL:

For a data scientist basics of SQL are as important as any other language as well. Both PIG and Hive Query Language are closely associated with SQL- the original Structured Query Language. SQL cheatsheets provide a 5 minute quick guide to learning it and then you may explore Hive & MySQL!

  1. SQL for dummies cheat sheet

Cheat sheets for Spark, Scala, Java:

Apache Spark is an engine for large-scale data processing. For certain applications, such as iterative machine learning, Spark can be up to 100x faster than Hadoop (using MapReduce). The essentials of Apache Spark cheatsheet explains its place in the big data ecosystem, walks through setup and creation of a basic Spark application, and explains commonly used actions and operations.

  1.’s Apache Spark reference card
  2.’s Scala reference card
  3.’s Scala on Spark cheat sheet
  4. Java cheat sheet at
  5. Cheat Sheets for Java at
Spark Transformations And Actions Cheat Sheet

Cheat sheets for Hadoop & Hive:

Hadoop emerged as an untraditional tool to solve what was thought to be unsolvable by providing an open source software framework for the parallel processing of massive amounts of data. Explore the Hadoop cheatsheets to find out Useful commands when using Hadoop on the command line. A combination of SQL & Hive functions is another one to check out.

Cheat sheets for web application framework Django:

Django is a free and open source web application framework, written in Python. If you are new to Django, you can go over these cheatsheets and brainstorm quick concepts and dive in each one to a deeper level.

  1. Django cheat sheet part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

Cheat sheets for Machine learning:

We often find ourselves spending time thinking which algorithm is best? And then go back to our big books for reference! These cheat sheets gives an idea about both the nature of your data and the problem you're working to address, and then suggests an algorithm for you to try.

  1. Machine Learning cheat sheet at
  2. Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet: Python Machine Learning from yhat (added by GP)
  3. Patterns for Predictive Learning cheat sheet at
  4. Equations and tricks Machine Learning cheat sheet at
  5. Supervised learning superstitions cheatsheet at

Cheat sheets for Matlab/Octave

MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory) was developed by MathWorks in 1984. Matlab d has been the most popular language for numeric computation used in academia. It is suitable for tackling basically every possible science and engineering task with several highly optimized toolboxes. MATLAB is not an open-sourced tool however there is an alternative free GNU Octave re-implementation that follows the same syntactic rules so that most of coding is compatible to MATLAB.

Cheat sheets for Cross Reference between languages


In the earlier video, we started our discussion on Spark Data frames. In this video, we will deep dive further and try to understand some internals of Apache Spark data frames. I am assuming that you have already watched the Architecture video. We covered some RDD basics in that lesson. You might find that half of this video is reiterating the RDD concepts. And that happens because a data frame ultimately compiles down to an RDD. However, we will go ahead of those notions and also cover things that are specific to data frames. So, Let's start.

We already learned a method to load data from a source. What do you want to do next?
If you have a business requirement, you might want to do some data processing and generate an output to meet your requirement. Let me give you a simple requirement. We already loaded mental health survey dataset. Can you generate following bar chart using that dataset?

Well, we don't want to get into the visualization so let's reduce the requirement to an output dataset. The table represents the final output that we want to achieve. I created the Bar Chart in MS Excel using the above table.
Does it appear to be an easy requirement? Well, It is indeed an easy example. We are going to solve this problem, and while we develop a solution, you will also discover some important data frame concepts.
We already learned that RDDs are immutable. Once loaded, you cannot modify them. However, you can perform following types of operations on RDDs.

  1. Transformations
  2. Actions

Spark data frames carry the same legacy from RDDs. So, Spark data frames are also immutable. But you can perform transformations on them to generate new data frames. You can also perform actions on a Spark data frames. If you check the documentation, you will see two categories of transformations.

  1. Typed Transformations
  2. Untyped Transformations

Both of these are available to data frames. The untyped transformations might return you a dataset. But you can convert a dataset to a data frame using the toDF function. However, you don't need to worry too much about it because Spark can take care of that automatically.
Transformations are the basic building blocks for Spark developers. They are the key tools for the developers because we use transformations to express our business logic.
Let's come back to our example. What do we want to do? If you check the dataset . You will see a field for treatment. This field records the response to the following question.
Have you taken a treatment for your mental illness?
Some people responded as Yes and others as No. All we need to do is to count these Yes and No. Then group them by the gender. That's it. You will get the output table. We can meet this requirement by applying a set of transformations. Let's try that.
The first activity is to load the data into a DataFrame. You can use below code to load the data.

There are many fields in this dataset. However, for my requirement, I am only concerned with two fields.

  1. Gender
  2. Treatment

So, let me apply a select transformation to select only two fields.


Spark Cheat Sheet

So the df1 is a new data frame that contains only two fields. But I need to count Yes and Nos. So I might need to separate them into two different columns. Once I have all the Yes in one column and all the Nos in another column, I can easily count them.
So, let's apply another transformation.

This time, I am taking df1 and applying another select transformation. I take the gender field as it was earlier. I am not applying any changes to that field. However, I am transforming the treatment field. When the treatment is Yes, I take it as a numeric one. Otherwise, I take it as a numeric zero. Now, I can simply take a sum of All-Yes column to get the total number of Yes. Right? You might want to do it differently.
For example, When the treatment is Yes, take it as Yes otherwise take it as Null. Then you can apply a count function on that column.
However, I prefer to take it as a numeric value and apply the sum function instead of a count function. That helps me to avoid unnecessary dealing with nulls. You might also wonder that why do we apply two transformations for this. I mean, We could have done it in a single step.
Let me show you.

Spark Transformations And Actions Cheat Sheet Printable

Instead of applying this transformation over df2, we could have applied it directly to df.
I mean, we could have avoided the first transformation and done it in a single step. You might argue that if we can avoid one transformation, and do it as a single step, Spark might perform better. Right? But that's not the truth in this case. There is no difference in performance. At least not in this example.
Let's try to understand that.
We already learned in RDDs that the transformations are lazy. They don't execute until we fire an action. Right? Spark implements data frames to be lazy because that design gives them at least two clear benefits.

  1. Spark engine can act as a compiler.
  2. They get an opportunity to apply necessary optimizations.

In our example, we applied two transformations. We haven't executed any action yet. So, Spark has executed nothing yet on the cluster. You might see a load operation on Spark UI. But I am talking about those two select transformations. None of them are executed yet.
Let's apply an action.

Spark Transformations And Actions Cheat Sheet Answers

Now you will see one job in Spark UI.
If you jump to the SQL tab in the Spark UI and click on the collect job, you will get a lot of details.
You will see four plans.

  1. Parsed Logical Plan
  2. Analyzed Logical Plan
  3. Optimized Logical Plan
  4. and Finally the Physical Plan

Spark Transformations

When we execute an action, Spark takes the user code. In our case, It takes those two select transformations. It will then parse the user code and generate a parsed logical plan.
The second step is to analyze the initial plan and resolve the column names and their data types. The output of the second step is an analyzed logical plan. Apache Spark maintains a catalog of all the tables and data frame information. The analyzer makes a call to the catalog and resolves the initial plan. The analyzed plan clearly shows the column names and the datatypes.
The analyzed logical plan goes to an optimizer. As of now, the optimizer mainly performs two types of optimizations.

  1. Pipelining
  2. Predicate pushdown

Pipelining is as simple as combining multiple transformations together. We created two transformations. Both were the select operations. Spark realizes that it can combine them together into a single transformation. So, it simply does that.
You can cross check it by looking at the optimized plan. The pipelining optimization doesn't only apply to a select transformation. Spark will look for all such opportunities and apply the pipelining where ever it is applicable.
The other type of optimization is the predicate pushdown. That simply means pushing down the filter conditions to the early stage instead of applying it at the end.
The optimized logical plan goes to the Spark compiler that generates a bunch of physical execution plans. The physical execution plan is nothing but a series of RDD transformations. The Spark engine generates multiple physical plans based on various considerations. Those considerations might be a different approach to perform a join operation. It may be the physical attributes of the underlying data file. It may be something else. However, Spark settles down to a single physical plan that it evaluates to be the best among others. Finally, The best plan goes for the execution on the cluster.
Great. Let's come back to our example. We loaded data. We applied one transformation. Then we applied another transformation. But we haven't reached the desired output. I think if group by the gender and compute a sum over the second and third column, we should get the desired output.
Let's try that.

Now we apply a group by on gender. Then aggregate to calculate the sum of the other two columns. All we are doing here is nothing but simply chaining the data frame APIs. The syntax might look weird in the beginning, but you will be comfortable with this style in few days. All the methods that I am using in this example are available in dataset documentation with easy to follow examples.
If you check the output for the above transformation, you will realize that the Gender field is not very well coded. We have a data quality problem. There are many ways to deal with that issue. You might want to use a tricky regular expression and translate each value to one of the genders. However, we have a small dataset, and I think the safest method is to make a list of all unique values and handle them using a match case expression. I can quickly create a Scala function to handle it.
Here is the code. Well, this is a plain scala code.

We want this function to be available to all the executors. you can do that by registering this function as a UDF. Registering a UDF is as simple as passing the function to the UDF function.

Spark will serialize the function on the driver and transfer it over the network to all executor processes. So, now we can use the parseGenderUDF in our data frames.
Let's create another transformation to fix our data quality problem.

I am using the data frame df2 and applying another select transformation. This time, we apply the parseGenderUDF to the gender field. We also take All-Yes and All-Nos fields that we created earlier. Now, we can do a group by on df3.

Great. You can check the output using below statement.

You shoud get the desired output.
We did this in several steps. You might have lost it in between. So, Let me list down all the code at once.

Spark Actions And Transformations

There are few more things covered in the video. So don't miss the video.