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Using Amazon Kindle (MOBI or AZW3) Files (for Members of the MCS)

The Machine Cancel Society (MCS) offers a number of documents in electronic formats. This web page describes how toview the Amazon Kindle (MOBI or AZW3) files publishedby the Society.Examples of such files include:MOBI version of auction listing for the Society Auction 2015_04,or Bob Swanson's article about using Google Books search to find historical documents and books.

We suggest that you download each MOBI or AZW3 file, by right-clickingon the link, and using the 'Save As' (or 'save link as..') menuitem to immediatly store a copy of the document on your computer,phone, or tablet.

At this point, you should have oneor more '.mobi' or '.azw3' files on your computer, phone, or tablet.Note that the 'AZW3' format is a newer type designed byAmazon for Kindle readers. For your needs, it can be treatedin the same manner as the 'MOBI' format. The names willbe used interchangeably in this writeup.The MOBI and AZW3 formats were designed by Amazon, in order todistribute electronic books.Books published in this format contain a continuous flowof text and images. Both the electronic reading devices, and software-based viewers of this format provide a wide variety of features to you,the reader.

First of all, MOBI and AZW3 files are designed to be readusing the Kindle (tm) reading devices soldby Amazon.If you have such a device, there are specific instructionsfollowing that help you to load the document from the MCS. If you do nothave one of the Kindle reading devices, this is NO PROBLEM,because Amazon has provided free reading software andapps that work ona wide variety of computer, phones, and tablets.Check the headings below for instructions specific tothe software readers.

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Copy MOBI or AZW3 File to Kindle Device

Connect your Kindle device to your computer with theUSB cable that came with the device. You computer shouldshow the Kindle as an external disk drive. You will useyour File Explorer (Windows) to copy files. On othercomputer systems, use the tool that copies files.

In the file explorer, you will see a directory onthe Kindle device called 'documents'. Simply copythe MOBI or AZW3 file to that directory. When the copy isdone, disconnect the Kindle device from yourcomputer.The next time you start up your Kindle, you willsee the MCS document in your bookshelf.

Copy MOBI or AZW3 File to Computer, Tablet, or Phone with Kindle Reader Software

Amazon provides free software-based programs (apps)that let you read Kindle books. These programs andapps are available ona wide variety of computers, tablets, and phones. To use the MOBIor AZW3 file you downloaded from the MCS website, you will needto copy that file into the working area set asidefor the Kindle Reader on your machine. Each is a littledifferent, unfortunately. We will try to describe allthat we know about, and we solicit users with othersystem configurations to help provide more informationfor this webpage.

Copy MOBI or AZW3 File to Android Phone with Kindle Reader Software

Be sure you have installed the Kindle Reader App on yourAndroid phone. You are going to find the Kindle directoryusing a file manager. Most Android phones come with an Appfor copying and moving files, we have had good experiencewith the free App called 'ES File Explorer'.

In your file manager, look for the file directory called:
You will copy the MOBI or AZW3 file into this directory. Next timeyou bring up the Kindle Reader App on your phone, theMCS document should appear in the Bookshelf.

Note that you can read MOBI and AZW3 files using other Apps onAndroid phones and tablets, including : 'Moon+ Reader', 'FBReader', 'Cool Reader', 'Aldiko', 'Mantano Free Reader', and others.

Copy MOBI or AZW3 File to Windows Computer

NOTE: this method will NOT work with the Windows 8(and later) Kindle App! You must download and run the 'Kindle for PC' Installerprogram on your Windows computer, in order to read3rd-party books, such as the documents from MCS.Again, the Kindle App in the 'Windows Store' will notwork with MCS documents.

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Once installed, the Kindle For PC Program will setup an area for book content. This area isunique to your username. For instance, assumethat your username is 'MYUSER' on yourWindows machine.The MCS MOBI or AZW3 files should be copied to
UsersMYUSERMy DocumentsMy Kindle Content
When the Kindle Reader Program is started upthe next time, it should show the MCS content on the Bookshelf.

Note that you can install a free product called'Kindle Previewer' on your Windows machine. Thisproduct is designed to allow authors to previewtheir books on a program that appears the sameas an actualKindle device. In fact, this program works very well asa stand-alone Kindle book reader on Windows systems.

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Another Kindle viewer available on Windows and othersystems is embedded in a free document creator called Calibre.Thisdocument convert/creator comes installed withviewers for all popular electronic publication types,including a Kindle and EPUB viewer.

Copy MOBI or AZW3 File to Other Computer Systems

Note that a storage area is set upon Apple MAC machines for the Kindlereader program, similar to that used onworking area provided on Windows. On theMAC, look in the 'Documents'folder.

Another Kindle viewer available on the Apple MAC,and Linux systemsis a document creator called Calibre.Thisfree document convert/creator comes installed withviewers for all popular electronic publication types,including a Kindle and EPUB viewer.

We are not as familiar with the Apple iPhonesand iPads as we are with Windows and Android.Check this article on using MOBI and EPUB files on the iPhone and Ipad for moreinformation.

There are several MOBI and AZW3 readers available onLinux systems, including FBReader (alsoavailable for Windows and MACOS), as well asCalibre(mentioned above).

Viewing Images with the Kindle Reader Program or App

One of the features of postal history documents shouldbe illustrations of covers and postcards. When using most Kindlereaders, it is possible to view and 'zoom in' on animage. Check the 'help' for your reader program or app.

More Links

Contact information for the Society's President.

Updated 30 August, 2020

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