
Shrink verb (BECOME SMALLER) B2 I or T to become smaller, or to make something smaller: Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature. Shrink is the informal word you can use to talk about a therapist. Talking about your problems with her can hopefully help you shrink them, or make them smaller. The word shrink is related to the Swedish skrynka meaning 'to wrinkle.' Think about what happens to a lone forgotten fruit at the bottom of your fridge drawer. Mar 26, 2021 Arkansas reports 12 new COVID-19 deaths, active cases shrink March 26, 2021 GMT LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas reported 12 new COVID-19 deaths Friday as the state’s active virus cases and hospitalizations continued to decline.

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Karen Danielsen Horney
Karl Theodor Jaspers
German psychiatrist (1883-1969)


Charles Frederick Menninger
United States psychiatrist who with his sons founded a famous psychiatric clinic in Topeka (1862-1953)
Karl Augustus Menninger
United States psychiatrist and son of Charles Menninger (1893-1990)
William Claire Menninger
United States psychiatrist and son of Charles Menninger (1899-1966)
Harry Stack Sullivan
Sigmund Freud
Austrian neurologist who originated psychoanalysis (1856-1939)
Melanie Klein
United States psychoanalyst (born in Austria) who was the first to specialize in the psychoanalysis of small children (1882-1960)
Wilhelm Reich
Austrian born psychoanalyst who lived in the United States; advocated sexual freedom and believed that cosmic energy could be concentrated in a human being (1897-1957)
a psychiatrist and specialist in the legal aspects of mental illness
analyst, psychoanalyst
type of:medical specialist, specialistShrink
practices one branch of medicine
My shrink says I have an Oedipalcomplex.
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1. verb: to decrease in size
2. a psychiatrist or mental doctor
1. the cold water made my balls shrink
2. that crazy bitch should go see a shrink
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1. (v): to decrease in size.
2. (n): a psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist.
3. (n): a slang term for retail theft, commonly used in the retail industry, especially by loss/theft prevention personnel.
1. 'I've got some crazy shrinkage going on.'
2. 'My shrink told me I need to take some pills. So I told him to fuck off and die and I threw a molotov cocktail into his living room.'
3. 'An estimated 44% of shrink (retail theft) in 2008 was due to employee theft.'
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A therapist, one in the mental health profession, a 'headshrinker'
Dude, I can't go out tomorrow night, I gotta meet with my shrink, he thinks I am depressed.
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Someone who matches your symptoms to whatever random disorder they've just pulled out of their ass.
My shrink told me Iget SAD over winter and now I have to sell my car so she can tell me how much I suck each week.
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That damn stranger who keeps coming to my house whenever my parents believe im crazy. *goes to a corner and holds his knees rockingback and forth, eye-twitching*
by PSisTEHsuxxors March 05, 2004

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